zien is . leo
Post by leovhHierbij enkele gegevens jammer voor de photo
FIVB Official Indoor game ball. Dimpled microfiber creates turbulence for
a truer flight. 8 panel swirl design vs the current 18 panel allows for
more contact surface area improving ball control. Cemented panel seams
allows air between the cover and the carcass giving the ball a softer
feel. Blue and Yellow colors are picked up faster by the human eye
enabling faster reactions and more touches.
The (FIVB) President showed an exclusive première to the Media: two new
Mikasa balls, with amazing new design. "Together with our sponsor Mikasa,
we've studied a new type of ball for our sport - said Dr. Acosta - and we
will ask the teams to test the prototypes and report to us their feelings.
Volleyball was the first sport to use a coloured ball and other sports
followed us. Now it is time for new visions, with a new design and a
different technological process that could affect positively not only the
appeal of Volleyball, but also the ball control by players. Our plan is to
use this new ball as a major change for the next Olympic Games in
The new Mikasa ball: technical guide
The new ball has been softened compared to the Mikasa MVP200. The panels
shape has been completely redesigned. Cover material and the way of
cementing carcass and panels have been changed: only line part, and not
the complete carcass, is now glued.
The new ball was tested with the best available technologies by the
laboratories from Mikasa. They report that new balls bounce higher with
less impact-power (softer) due to improved constructions. Ball flying
orbit got stable, avoiding sudden drop, thanks to new panel shape and
cover material. Moreover, the new model fly stable with dimples on the
cover (with panel shape change) and controllability when tossing and
receiving was improved (found at field tests by Mikasa Corporation) with
better gripping.
Two different designs were showed to the press and will be presented to
World Cup teams, to ask for their opinion. One is similar to the typical
Volleyball standard; one shows a more innovating look.
So this will be the new face of volleyball. If it sells at $47.99 in the
US, I wonder how much it will cost over here in Manila. Anybody knows
where we can get one locally?
If you're a volleyball enthusiast, then you will surely want to upgrade
your balls soon. (Hmm, that didn't sound too good). What do you think
about the new volleyball design?
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Post by SlagersPost by leovhindien er al met de nieuwe bal gespeeld is kan iemand een opinie geven
de meningen op de WL waren eerder ongunstig
lijkt het verder wel een goed idee deze bal juist op een belangrijk
evenement als de OS te introduceren zonder voldoende proeven
Ik denk dat de meeste volleyballers nog in het zand bezig zijn. Maar wat
is het verschil met de oude bal precies? En wanneer wordt deze in de
Nederlandse competities in gebruik genomen?